Trusted by Scientific Experts:

All in one.
NX One for all.

One easy-to-use benchtop system to gently sort and dispense single cells.

High viability for your most precious samples

20x lower pressure than traditional sorters maximizes cell survival

Contamination-free workflow

Low-cost microfluidic cartridges provide aseptic sample processing with minimal biohazard waste generation and no aerosols

Walk-up usability

Easy setup and a user-friendly wireless interface allow any untrained researcher to begin sorting in under 30 minutes

Unprecedented pricing

Low capital and running costs accommodate any budget

How will you use the versatility of the NX One for your single-cell sorting workflows?

single-cell dispensing for cell line development
selection of GFP+ population for CRISPR workflows
enrichment of target cell populations into microplates
dispensing of reagents/media for sample prep and processing
phenotype characterization of antibody stained cells

Explore the NX One

Compact design for operation on the benchtop or inside the biosafety cabinet.

Dispensing of sorted cells into microplates or collection tubes
Laser and rugged optics for particle sizing and fluorescence measurements
Wireless software for monitoring runs and visualizing data
Microfluidic cartridge for gentle, contamination-free sorting for cell sorting and dispensing. See it in action
Front-facing fluidics compartment for internal storage and easy access

Elevate the potential of your single cells.

What will you achieve with flexible cell sorting and dispensing at your fingertips?

Are you ready to enhance your science with the NX One?

Come see us at upcoming events!

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